
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday the 16 of Nov


Slow morning today, I have been busy the last couple days. I am in charge of the future plans to include what we call mission analysis where you dissect the higher headquarters order, dig deep into the intelligence estimate for our AO and then build a campaign plan that should last in place at least two years. It is a labor intensive project but well worth it and not overly tedious. I get a lot of say in what we do and how we fight.

So that is what keeps me active over here. I just have to remember to go running and hit the gym. Unfortunately the chowhall is a lot closer!

The base itself is dry and dusty, a ramshackle of hesco (large prefab wire square containers filled with dirt) walls and concrete jersey barriers forming fortified compounds with various forms of hard buildings, tents and containers as offices, shops, houses. Everything you could need is here. We have an AFFES store and a German Duty Free (no booze though) store, they do have Cuban cigars. A barber shop, two coffee houses, several shops. They have a suit maker which I found odd since all we wear is camo utility uniforms. Couple rug shops (will send pics for orders soon). Oh yeah and a outdoor street hockey rink for the Canadians, they already had to send at least five soldiers home do to hockey injuries, that hasn’t stopped play though.

Erica sent me my lap top in the mail so in a few weeks I should be able to SKYPE and comment on the blog from here. They offer highspeed internet for $100 a month, it is Afghanistan afterall the infrastructure is crap. [Note, Karl can't access the blog or our yahoo email until he has access to non-government computers.]

I heard from SgtMaj Kasal and MSgt Corwin. They are doing great, the old RS is flying along. Sounds like all the work we did is holding strong.

I got the green light to start working on my plan, mimicking Dad’s strike force concept. It starts small, focused on building rapor and good will with the various agencies, services and nations. Luckily our reputation as go getters has preceded us and everyone wants to work with us. We provided air for a combined op yesterday, highly successful so it should boost our rep—give us credibility. I really can’t say any more then that, just know that we have good things working.

I’ll call and write as soon as I can. Erica sends me the blog comments when they come in.Thank you to all who comment, except Coach the EAGLES will win in the Meadowlands! That was a good game, I saw most of it on NFL replay.

Love -Karl


  1. Hi Karl, Dad and I have been looking at the website for Camp Bastian and although the area looks rather bleak, the camp itself looks better than I envisioned. Dad has become addicted to searching the web for any and all information he can find on Afghanistan. He reminds me of Opa. Guess he is getting more and more like his dad now that he is retired.It's not a bad thing! Enjoyed reading your emails posted today. I can see they are keeping you busy. I'm sure you will be very successful in all your endeavors. We're all doing well here on the homefront. Thanks for keeping us informed. Much love, Mom

  2. Hello Karl and Erika,
    We miss you guys! Happy Thanksgiving!
    Flavia Rocha
