
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kid Killer Park

Our neighbors, all wonderful folks, ensured Karl not to worry about his family while deployed -- they would take care of us. Little did they know just how soon the girls and I would put them to the test. A week hadn't even passed yet and we required a trip to the ER. We went to the Sullivan's upstairs for dinner. Afterwards the kids were watching a movie and Carolyn decided to sit on the top of the sofa. Ella didn't appreciate Carolyn's legs in her face, so Ella pushed her off the couch. Carolyn landed straight on the floor, no time to react to the fall; smacking the back of her head on the concrete floor. She seems a bit dazed to us and her eyes didn't exactly dilate. We felt she was on the verge of a concussion, but not exactly. After a few minutes on my lap, she went out into the hallway to play. She came in a few minutes later to tell me she was seeing stars and two of me. That was it, to the emergency room. I really didn't want to take my chances since it was so close to bedtime. Our wonderful neighbors went into action. Mary Holt drove us to the hospital (@ 30 minute drive) while Marta Sullivan bathed and put Ella and Meghan to sleep. In the end Carolyn had a mild concussion. I wrote to a bunch of friends that I hoped this was our only trip to the ER while in Oki. I'm sure our neighbors were thinking the same thing. Little did we all know, one week later we would be back there.......

One of the great perks of Okinawa are the playgrounds. They are a throw back to the 70's parks of our childhood. Chipped off paint; metal equipment; rocky hard landing surfaces, etc. Mary and I took advantage of a day off from school and took the kids to the Civic Center Park or Yaejima Koen. It is perfect for the child who wants a little bit of everything, including a toddler park. But the highlights are a roller slide and drop-slide. The roller slide is a blast!! You slide down on cardboard pieces. We've seen a few kids with second degree burns from the metal rollers this summer. We were all grateful it was an overcast, damp day.

After a while on the rollers we decided to check out the drop-slide. They aren't kidding when they call it drop-slide. It is literally a sheer drop that bottoms out about 9 feet later and then starts again. Your feet literally dangle in front of you as you hold on to a bar. The slide is positioned on a rocky hill, so if you were to catch and fly off; expect severe broken bones.
We all were terrified to try it - no one wanted another trip to the ER. I think Mary and I were ready to pack it in, but Aidan, Mary's 6 year old son, was determined to try it. He slid down with great ease. Our fears dismayed, Carolyn and I then gave it a shot. Great, no problem. Even Meghan was willing to give it a try. Not a good idea. Something happened and Meghan and I became speeding bullets. We hit the middle section, caught air and smacked both of our heads on the slide and kept going. At the bottom, we both apparently started staggering, holding our heads in opposite directions. Poor Mary - yet again, she had visions of taking the Rohr's to the hospital! Meghan and I were able to shake it off; continuing on to the toddler playground.

Things just continued to go down hill. It was so bad it became funny. Not to be left out. Ella completed the family's injuries by smacking her face on the see-saw. The classic one kid gets off and sends the other flying injury. This time though Ella wasn't on the see-saw, she was just trying to get a closer look. The playground was coated with a slick layer of wet moss. The other kids kept slipping trying to run/walk to the equipment. We called it a day and headed for Starbucks to nurse our wounds.

Post note: that night my necked seized up. I got WHIPLASH from a slide!!! Crazy!!! But that was just how fast we were going. Thankfully my neck healed in a few days. I think we'll avoid the kid killer park for a while.


  1. Hey Erica and girls, these slides remind me of the play ground I used to play in as a child which was as painful and uncomfortable as these one looks. I love Meghan’s pictures w/the paper board under her butt--great memories... looks like you are keeping them busy :) I miss you guys.
    Love, Ruth

  2. Ha! I was waiting for..."Then Karl got on..." follwed by a picture of a destroyed playground.

    My playground injury story...Whe I was in my early 20's, I was in Margate, NJ, feeling "festive" after a night out with friends at Maynards, Polo Bay, Malonies, etc etc. Walking home, we happened upon a small kiddie playground. Complete with what was to be that evenings nemesis : The tiny horsey atop a very thick metal spring.

    These devices are a wonderful treat if you are, say, a child, providing a nice back and forth "ridiing" motion. If you are a 6'2" 220lb man, not so much.

    The pariticipants :

    Playground spring horse : master of phsyics and inertia.

    Myself : Master of Budweiser and bad judgement

    The verdict : When you sit on one of these, shift all your weight backwards, then violently forward, the industrial spring does its job very well, propelling me in a tight 180 degree arc, planting my face directly into the ground. Me sitting and holding on to the tiny horse the entire time. I stood up, laughed, and keeled over shortly after. Concussed fully. I think I remember the horse mocking me as I stumbled away...



  3. We hope all the Bouncing Rohrs have stopped banging their heads and seeing stars. No injuries here to report, except the slow death of the Eagles on Sunday!
    Katie is now calling herself the "Soccer Champion" since last Saturday when her team beat the Maroon Marauders and she caught one ball from going in when she was in the goal. (Let's not talk about the ones that got away!)
    The latest joke from Elena is; "Why couldn't the little girl see the pirate movie? Because it was ARRRGH-rated!"
    We are working on getting SKYPE up and running soon now that I have returned from traveling all over the country. Wouldn't you know it - just after you leave Des Moines it looks like I'll be doing some work there soon.
    Love, Dad and Claire
