
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello from sunny Kandahar

Hello from sunny Kandahar. Been here a few days and am enjoying the activity. There appears to be folks from every nation in the world here. From Koreans to Latvians, it is a real international mix. One of the nice amenities the Canadians brought are high speed espresso machines in the chowhall. Not bad. Down right civilized. You really shouldn’t fight a war with a bad latte. The Germans have a store next door to the Kyrgyz gift shop. I’m finding my way around and getting to know the team I am working with. We have a long way to go to get organized but things are promising. Not much activity from the bad guys so that is good, nice of them to let us get settled. I was able to catch most of the Eagles Giants game at the gym this morning too bad that one got away. In any event just wanted to let you know I was doing well and am looking forward to letters and or emails. I’ll be busy but I do get free time and that is a good time to read. I can sit out on our porch, to read, bs and or just watch the endless stream of beat up pick-up trucks and suv’s roll by. No Yuengling, but a cup of good coffee will pass for now. Thinking of you --Karl


  1. Karl - not sure what game you were watching but the Eagles were lucky to be it. I just booked my non refundable ticket to Tampa Bay (the site of this years Super Bowl). Sorry to hear that you can't get Yuengling but no worries I will have a few in your honor from the case your Dad owes me from the game. Like takin candy from a baby. Glad to hear you are doing well and we look forward to your posts. Stay well. Coach & Anne.

  2. Great to hearing how you guys are doing. Wow! the girls are getting so tall. Doug and I and Colman and Conrad are still in Louisiana and look forward to keeping up with your posts. Glad to hear they are not skimping on the quality of lattes :) Good luck with things there and glad to hear everything is going well for you and the girls. Can't wait to tell the boys y'all swam with Nemo. Take care Doug and Christine Schofield

  3. Hey friends! So great to see you all even if it is in the "pictures" - wow has little Ella changed - she is the spitting image of Caroline - all three are just as beautiful as ever! Sorry to hear you are deployed, Karl - let's all hope it goes fast and you are home soon.
    We are still in VA - Paul almost got sent down to Atlanta to join a reserve Huey Squadron - but thankfully they could not let him go early from his payback tour, and so therefore we will retire from Quantico. The kids are doing great and growing up so fast. We think of you often and hope to share some great food and conversation when you get back! Sending good thoughts! The Quimby's

  4. Karl and Erica,

    The girls are so big and beautiful!! Tell them I said hi!

    Stay safe out there Karl. Cant wait to see the whole Rohr family again.


  5. Hi Karl, so good to hear your voice through this- and what a beautiful family pictures- made me cry and miss you guys so much. most important thing is you got good boots and good coffee and the rest your training and brilliant mind can meet as the challenges comes your way- hopefully not too many. Mike and I and adi and Hila cannot wait to see all of you together and as thanksgiving comes near we reminisce on the wonderful time we had together. Stay safe. Love, the Mehr family

    p.s; just got back from DC and loved it there. When you get back lets all meet there and visit your parents too

  6. If it dosent get me sent to Guantanomo or you peeling potatoes, Ill pop a sixer of Lager with dry ice into a styro shipping container and send it. lol

