
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

I hope everyone had an enjoyable day surrounded by family, friends and other loved ones. We missed sharing the day with our families. We have come to look forward to our Milwaukee Thanksgivings, so we were a bit sad not to be with everyone there. Though it was nice skyping with Klaus, Ange, Flavia and Christopher.

The girls and I had a very nice day shared with our friends on the 9th floor. In all, we hosted a beautiful, traditional Thanksgiving dinner for about 30 folks. I'll post some pictures when I receive them. Everyone picked a few favorites to cook. Half of the hallway was set up as a movie theater for the kids (featuring Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and the Christmas Story); the other half our dining area complete with silk linens, fine china, and stunning floral arrangements. After feasting on deep fried turkey, five different potato options such as wasabi mashed potatoes, other family favorites and out of this world pies, everyone (including the kids) took a stab at karaoke. The girls are becoming very good!. I was in the hallway cleaning up and heard a kid singing a fairly good rendition of "We will Rock You". I peaked in and was shocked to see it was Ella.
The kids made placecards and turkey candleholders early in the day.

Movie Time.
Karl had a good Thanksgiving as well. Though I didn't hear much mentioned about turkey; rather how many helpings of pecan and pumpkin pie he enjoyed! He received the computer this week, which has been wonderful. We've been skyping just before the kids bedtime almost every night. Meghan just expects it, "I can't go to bed yet; daddy hasn't called on the computer!"

I do have to mention Thanksgiving was also a bit somber for all of us. A fellow Marine, Capt Warren Frank was killed on Tuesday in Iraq. He leaves behind his wife Allie and two very young little girls (a year and half and six month old). We recieved the news early on Thursday morning. Mary spent the day with her and will fly with her to Arlington next week for the funeral. We all found it hard to be cheerful which such sad news. Please pray for Allie and her family as they deal with this difficult situation.



  1. Love your blog!!!And that picture--spectacular.
    Great to hear from you.
    Oma, Dudley and I send much, much love!

    Aunt Christel

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. We missed you this year and the girls running around. Back to just listening to old people talk.

  3. Erica, love your blog!! Happy Thanksgiving a bit late! We are celebrating today, always the Saturday after it but in Germany we don't get Thursday off.
    Love seeing and hearing what you all are up to. I have a blog too but it's more about my crafty side- www.thegivingflower.de and we are building a house so you can see it here haus.gintar.de
    big German hugs,

  4. Erica and the girls, I’m so happy to hear that you had a nice thanksgiving even though you are away from your loved ones. So proud of Ella for taking on singing- Adi will be proud of her. My prayers for you friends and her children, very sad news. Miss you so much.
    Love, Ruth
    Karl, Mike sent a package for me today- I want to see how long it takes for you to get it before I send one w/home made cookies:) we'll have to send books too.
