
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Karl - Saturday Nov 22

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has written comments, sent letters and or care packages. Everything is appreciated and nothing goes to waste. I’ve been here around 20 days now, the time moves quickly as we are busy, but the days tend to be a blur. They are a blend of crazy acronym sentences for instance “ FOB MSQ sends report EF SAF, L launches QRF, QRF engages EF with 1 Mark 12, EF neutralized, NSTR further.” That is an easy one.

There are hosts of international agencies all over the country. We provide support to the World Food Program, not direct as they don’t like to associate with us, but indirect we watch their convoys and are prepared to send out the Cavalry to rescue them in the event one of the local insurgent and or criminal groups try to attack them and steal from them. We work directly with Provincial Reconstruction teams to provide infrastructure repair, and security for contract workers, mostly local construction companies. As well we provide support to the farmers as we try to wean them off of poppy with wheat and other consumables. It is an uphill battle.

Some of you have asked what you could send in a care package. I asked around and the answers vary of course. Books and magazines are good. I prefer history and political science. The Marines already have lots of Maxim, Stuff and every hot rod magazine known to man. There is a book written by Martin Ewans, I believe the title is a Brief History of Afghanistan, I read it a while ago and gave away my copy, many of the troops here want more information on the history of the place so that is a good book to send. It would also give any of you who want to know more a solid base of information about this very interesting country.

Erica mailed me my personal laptop and I will be able to hook it up in my quarters here once it arrives. The exchange service has WIFI established so I’ll be able to write directly to the blog. As of now I can use my gov’t computer to write emails only no web access. I am excited about that as I will be able to skype at times. I’ll also be able to load pictures so you can see some of the terrain over here. Though if you’ve ever been in the desert southwest (US) you already have a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. Karl & Erica,

    Happy Thanksgiving to both of you! We will eat a few extra ravioli in your honor this year.

    Love, Anne & Coach
