
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Club Med

Once we found out Karl was deploying we decided we needed some good quality family time were we all could relax, reconnect and forge some new memories. Our travel agent suggested Club Med's Kabira resort an hour away by plane, located on the southern most Okinawan island. We spent three very relaxing days there swimming, snorkeling, and eating way too much. The first night we took in a show where Carolyn was asked to show her dance moves on stage. And of course did she ever! The next day Karl and I spent the day and evening together reliving life prior to kids, while the kids spent the time playing at Club Med's kids learning to juggle (or attempting to learn). Our last day, we lounged around the beach. At first, Meghan didn't like the fish following us around, but eventually got into it and she and I had a blast hunting for Nemo and his friends who we did find.

Views from hotel room

Carolyn's encore performance

1 comment:

  1. Hello Karl, Glad to hear you have arrived at your destination. It looks like the Eagles need a couple of run stoppers because you cant win a game when you allow your opponent 5 plus yards per carrie. Once again Coach is drinking my beer, but ther is always another game.
    Just remember where you are, its a strange country with different customs as described by Kipling in "The Man who would be KING"
    JUst dont try to become a king.Stay safe and be cool, best of luck Dad
