
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Okuma Getaway

The weekend following Christmas, we headed north to the Okuma Beach Peninsula for some R&R. It is a very nice (by military standards) Air Force run rec center with two sandy beaches and just about any kid friendly activity you can think of. We enjoyed a glass bottom boat tour, go carts, and putt-putt. The weather was a bit cool, but not enough to keep the kids out of the water. In addition to the amazing views of the beach from your door, it is a great jump off point for visiting the aquarium, Pineapple Park and other favorite Oki tourist spots!

Pizza N' Sky (not bad if you can handle corn on your pizza, they only make one kind)

Glass bottom boat tour

Authentic Okinawa soba at a local restaurant. Great food, but the traditional Japanese tables were not the best idea with a crawling curious one year old! (Note the sheer joy on Allison's face) :)

Sunset at Okuma

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's quite a sunset! Great photo, Erica. Karl's right, skype is nice but it's not the same as being there. The girls look soooo grown up! Actually, the pizza looks, well "good enough to eat." Did they really put corn on it??? Klaus & I just came back from a great weekend of skiing. Conditions were great. Christian and Lizzie finally got a chance to ski and they did quite well. It helped that it wasn't too cold and it was sunny. I think a few more weekends of practice and they will definitely get the hang of it. Steve and Eva also skied with us on Sunday. Eva is quite the skier -- after only a few weekends on skis she has been able to ski all of the intermediate slopes at Camelback. I think she's a natural! Next weekend Aasa and Merina will be joining Steve, Eva and the rest of us in the Pocono's. It's a little like "Old times" and Klaus and I love it! Just wish you could be there with us. I left Klaus at the airport on our way home from the Pocono's. He is enroute to Milwaukee to help get Oma settled in her new apartment in East Castle Retirement Home. I'll be picking him up at the airport Friday evening and we'll head back up to the Pocono's. As you can see, we've started our 2009 ski season off quite well. Let's hope it lasts! One never knows what to expect in the Pocono's, but we're continuing to think SNOW and warding off any bad vibes. Let us know how the birthday girl enjoyed her 6th birthday party. At 9:10 p.m EST our princess Carolyn will be offically 6 years old. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLYN. Lots of love, Grandmom
