
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's not much but it s somebodies home. Small village in south central Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. My second comment for the day,hope it makes more sense than the first one. I assume that the little hump in the background is the village. If so its not very much. I wonder if they are watching the build up to the Superbowl. Perhaps they lack some erudite football analysts who will in several thousand words tell them that the team that scores the most points wins.Looks to me that it will be Pittsburg.Hould have been Eagles, but that was not to be. We was robbed.
    Lovw dad
