
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ah!!!! Kids

Titanic was on last night. The girls really got into it, but I had to pull them out of the room for a few scenes that were too racy. Carolyn was her ever curious self, asking enough questions and combined with my poor memory of the movie, resulted in her grasping that Leo drew Kate naked. I knew she was asking purely based on artistic curiosity. I tried to explain to her that was something folks did a long time ago and that it wasn't something we do now. I don't know, I was at a loss.

Well my explanation obviously sucked. We've been home from school all of 15 minutes. I was in the kitchen making smoothies while they were in the playroom drawing on a whiteboard. Meghan comes out in just her undies, proudly stating "Carolyn drew me naked!" Ahh!!!!! What??!!! Here are the results. Not bad, got the pose down and the understanding that she wasn't dressed. It was way too funny not to share with everyone. I have reminded her if she does it again, there will be hell to pay. - Erica


  1. OH, Erica, i have not laughed like this in forever, i'm just in heaven right- imagining you in the kitchen and carolyn in action:) how fantastic is that- and a great story. It was Hila's favorite movie at her age too:) you are having too much fun. kiss the girls for me.

    love, Ruth

  2. Hey Erica, don't quash Carolyn's artistic talent! Painting nudes has been a part of the Italian artistic culture since Michael Angelo. Besides, even grandmom has painted a few good nudes. She is a girl after my own heart. Thanks for sharing -- it was a great story and really put a smile on my face. Love, Grandmom

  3. Corinn, Alex, Chris, Christel, and I were having dinner yesterday and Christel was sharing this masterpiece with us. It was non stopping laughing at our table. Too funny! We miss you guys!!!!

  4. Hahaha. That is hysterical! Thanks for the good laugh tonight. Your girls are the cutest!

  5. Erica, great story, very funny. Seems like all is well with you and the girls. Take care.
