
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chocolate Anyone?

As usual, life seems to get in the way of good intentions. Its been a bit since I've posted anything. That doesn't mean we're not up to much. Three young kids means your always up to something! Last weekend, we went to Okuma with the Sullivans. The weather cooperated, giving us a much needed break from the cold weather we've had lately. I know it is nothing compared to what most of you are experiencing, but I wasn't prepared to break out winter jackets here! It was a very nice relaxing weekend. The kids really enjoyed themselves swimming, go-carts (Carolyn is a crazy driver), miniature golf, nature hikes, getting lost in the maze, and roasting marshmallows. For myself, one of the highlights was the glass bottom boat tour. We went to a deeper area that was just teaming with fish and colorful coral. It was the first time being here I wish I scuba. I could have spent hours floating there. I'm looking forward swimming there once its warmer.
Carolyn, Meghan, Ella and Peter Sullivan

(View at the top of the nature trail looking down on Okuma's a private beach)

Just before we left, we received a package from Flavia and Chris. Ange had mentioned that Opa was sending us chocolate from Flavia. So I knew to be on the lookout. What I wasn't expecting was just how much chocolate! A whole 11 pounds worth. It is so big and heavy that it busted open the shipping box at least twice (re-wrapped by the Postal Service)! Thank you Flavia for thinking of us! Later in the day, Ella and I were skyping with Karl. I pulled out the chocolate to show Karl just how much. It was the first time Ella laid eyes on it. She was in heaven, quickly diving into a chunk before I could give her a reasonably sized piece. It was hilarious! I didn't realize it but she even packed a bunch in her purse. Over s'mores, she pulls out her own secret chocolate stash!

This weekend was no less busy and fun. Carolyn had her "friends birthday party" on Friday at the bowling alley. A big thank you again to Sarah, Mary and Marta for helping me corral 13 kids! The princess cake made another appearance courtesy of Marta and myself. Carolyn had requested Princess of Rainbows, but instead got Tiffany. We did alright in the end "Oh, this is just like I saw it in my dreams!"
It was cold and windy yesterday, so we hunkered down at home. But adventured outside today to a new playground for us Wago Hills. It is a beautiful park, with all sorts of sports related fields, camping and a nature trail. I really enjoyed all of the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom. Wago Hills also boasts a playground with your typical slides and swings but has something even more fun, a concrete sled track. Once again, I had to question my parenting ability as the kids and I whipped down the hill with no helmet! No trips to the ER today though!!

(Borrowed photo so you can see what the ride is like)


  1. That slide reminds me of the one they had at Camelback in the Pocono Mountains -- I guess Opa and I will certainly have to try it when we visit in April; or maybe not! Don't want to risk another visit to the ER...it's tempting though. You outdid yourself on Princess Tiffany. How did you get the dress so smooth and the color...Wow! It looks like the bowling party was lots of fun. Ella really looks like she enjoyed the chocolate. I got a chance to taste Flavia's chocolate too, and I've got to admit it is the best ever. Hope no one overdosed!!! Love, Grandmom

  2. Hi Erika,
    I am so glad that Opa sent the package to the girls. Even happier that Ella really likes her chocolate.

