
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Downtown Deleram, one of the more cosmopolitan truck stop towns in the South. A lot happens here, a place where you keep both friend and enemy close. Soometimes it is the same person, just depends on the day.
It's not much but it s somebodies home. Small village in south central Afghanistan.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ah!!!! Kids

Titanic was on last night. The girls really got into it, but I had to pull them out of the room for a few scenes that were too racy. Carolyn was her ever curious self, asking enough questions and combined with my poor memory of the movie, resulted in her grasping that Leo drew Kate naked. I knew she was asking purely based on artistic curiosity. I tried to explain to her that was something folks did a long time ago and that it wasn't something we do now. I don't know, I was at a loss.

Well my explanation obviously sucked. We've been home from school all of 15 minutes. I was in the kitchen making smoothies while they were in the playroom drawing on a whiteboard. Meghan comes out in just her undies, proudly stating "Carolyn drew me naked!" Ahh!!!!! What??!!! Here are the results. Not bad, got the pose down and the understanding that she wasn't dressed. It was way too funny not to share with everyone. I have reminded her if she does it again, there will be hell to pay. - Erica

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chocolate Anyone?

As usual, life seems to get in the way of good intentions. Its been a bit since I've posted anything. That doesn't mean we're not up to much. Three young kids means your always up to something! Last weekend, we went to Okuma with the Sullivans. The weather cooperated, giving us a much needed break from the cold weather we've had lately. I know it is nothing compared to what most of you are experiencing, but I wasn't prepared to break out winter jackets here! It was a very nice relaxing weekend. The kids really enjoyed themselves swimming, go-carts (Carolyn is a crazy driver), miniature golf, nature hikes, getting lost in the maze, and roasting marshmallows. For myself, one of the highlights was the glass bottom boat tour. We went to a deeper area that was just teaming with fish and colorful coral. It was the first time being here I wish I scuba. I could have spent hours floating there. I'm looking forward swimming there once its warmer.
Carolyn, Meghan, Ella and Peter Sullivan

(View at the top of the nature trail looking down on Okuma's a private beach)

Just before we left, we received a package from Flavia and Chris. Ange had mentioned that Opa was sending us chocolate from Flavia. So I knew to be on the lookout. What I wasn't expecting was just how much chocolate! A whole 11 pounds worth. It is so big and heavy that it busted open the shipping box at least twice (re-wrapped by the Postal Service)! Thank you Flavia for thinking of us! Later in the day, Ella and I were skyping with Karl. I pulled out the chocolate to show Karl just how much. It was the first time Ella laid eyes on it. She was in heaven, quickly diving into a chunk before I could give her a reasonably sized piece. It was hilarious! I didn't realize it but she even packed a bunch in her purse. Over s'mores, she pulls out her own secret chocolate stash!

This weekend was no less busy and fun. Carolyn had her "friends birthday party" on Friday at the bowling alley. A big thank you again to Sarah, Mary and Marta for helping me corral 13 kids! The princess cake made another appearance courtesy of Marta and myself. Carolyn had requested Princess of Rainbows, but instead got Tiffany. We did alright in the end "Oh, this is just like I saw it in my dreams!"
It was cold and windy yesterday, so we hunkered down at home. But adventured outside today to a new playground for us Wago Hills. It is a beautiful park, with all sorts of sports related fields, camping and a nature trail. I really enjoyed all of the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom. Wago Hills also boasts a playground with your typical slides and swings but has something even more fun, a concrete sled track. Once again, I had to question my parenting ability as the kids and I whipped down the hill with no helmet! No trips to the ER today though!!

(Borrowed photo so you can see what the ride is like)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Day

I've added a few more to my earlier Christmas posting as well.

More from Okuma

More photos from Okuma

Christmas Cookie Decorating Party

Our annual christmas cookie decorating party!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Princess of Strawberries and Scary Crowns

Happy 6th Birthday Carolyn!!! It is hard to believe our baby is really six years old. What happened to our chubby cheeked baby? She is now a gum chewing bean pole. Thats what! For some odd ball parenting reason (I was likely POed that day at the kids for asking one too many times), we have a rule in our house that they can't have gum until your six. Carolyn and Meghan have been counting down the days till the big day arrives (or when Grandmom Rohr comes and sneaks in a few pieces). I think Carolyn was more excited that she could finally chew gum than anything else. So when the big day arrived yesterday, she was more than loaded up with all the horrible flavored Hubba Bubba and yards of gum I could find on the island. She finally gave it a break when her jaw no longer worked. Meghan is still trying to negotiate with me that I waive the six year old rule . Ella is just stealing it behind Carolyn's back and hoping no one is watching.

Even though she could have cared less, Allison and I still felt she deserved a birthday cake in addition to the candy store. Grandmom sent a princess cake set as part of a care package. So, Allison and I decided we'd attempt it with Carolyn's choice of strawberry shortcake. Thus, we present "Princess of Strawberry Land". It turned out really well, but elicited many a chuckle from the adults as we ate her. Just didn't seem right, leaving her exposed in the back like that; afterall she was a princess. Marta had a wonderful idea for Halloween. Make her out of red velvet cake and decorate her like Carrie, pigs blood and all, stabbing herself. I think you get the picture. I'll add better pictures once I get them from Garrick.

Now that the bubble gum battle is over, we have offcially moved into a new debate within 24 hours, courtsey of daddy. Karl sent Carolyn some beautiful Lapis jewerly for her birthday that included pierced earrings. I should have known better and removed them from the bag. She didn't say much about them when she opened the present. Apparently, she needed to do some research. She came home from school today armed with info, prepared for battle. "Ms. Partridge says it doesn't hurt. It is just like a mosquito bite." "We need to get them pierced at the same time." "All the girls in my class have them." etc, etc, etc. I tried to counter with things such as "We have to wait till daddy is home." Didn't work. Mary happened to be there and added the scare factor about what happens if you don't take care of them. She was getting pretty close to countering that argument till I told her that if she can't even stop picking her nose, than she isn't mature enough to keep her ears clean. That concluded today's skirmish.

And now to poor Meghan, who wasn't able to enjoy gum today. Just before Christmas the dentist discovered that part of her left molar chipped off. I wasn't that suprised. Every dentist has commented that she has a few teeth with weak enamel and that eventually some may need a crown. She went in today for the surgery. Thank goodness, laughing gas has a fun name. Meghan was thrilled to go, not the cautious kid she normally is. She was amazing, such a trooper, with amazing help from our dentist. She never flinched once as he added the sugar bugs (numbing gel) to her mouth that had to scrub them out (novicane). I was the one with the quezy stomach and almost cried when she proudly showed me her silver smile. All I keep thinking is that it will come out in a few years when her adult teeth come in. She is very pleased with her crown. "Is it silver or gold? Look again Carolyn!" "I have weaK eNamel." I'm very proud of her today.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Life on a FOB, yippee. A little drab at times. But the food is good the work is a challenge. Motivation is high. Oh yeah and I even got to watch the Eagles beat the Vikes. Good times.
If the commute wasn't half way around the world this wouldn't be so bad. it would be nice to spend some time with the Girls and Erica, talking on Skype is nice but it isn't being there.
I can only say the sacrifices appear to be worth the effort the Afghans are good people who deserve a little peace.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Okuma Getaway

The weekend following Christmas, we headed north to the Okuma Beach Peninsula for some R&R. It is a very nice (by military standards) Air Force run rec center with two sandy beaches and just about any kid friendly activity you can think of. We enjoyed a glass bottom boat tour, go carts, and putt-putt. The weather was a bit cool, but not enough to keep the kids out of the water. In addition to the amazing views of the beach from your door, it is a great jump off point for visiting the aquarium, Pineapple Park and other favorite Oki tourist spots!

Pizza N' Sky (not bad if you can handle corn on your pizza, they only make one kind)

Glass bottom boat tour

Authentic Okinawa soba at a local restaurant. Great food, but the traditional Japanese tables were not the best idea with a crawling curious one year old! (Note the sheer joy on Allison's face) :)

Sunset at Okuma