
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mainstreet Bazaar, Farah City, Farah Province. On my way to the Governors Compund for lunch.


  1. Hi Karl, It was great skyping with you today. Glad to hear that you are getting around "town" a little bit. I guess it can get a bit claustrophobic being a "fobbit." I can only pray that it is relatively safe. I realize that it is difficult to write plans if you don't get out and see the countryside to know what you are dealing with. I like the photo of you -- we'll forward a copy to Oma. She loves hearing what is going on on all our lives and pictures are worth a thousand words. Take care and stay safe. All my love, Mom

  2. Yea! you got off the FOB. Be safe out there. Like you said you don't know from day to day who the bad guys are.

  3. Nice Roadtrip,hope the Govenor`s lunch went well.Loved the picture with the market it definitely rivals our South Jersy Strip Malls or Ninth Street
    The Superbowl went a little different than I thought, Pittsburgh did not crush the Arena League Team. Just goes to show that luck and being up at the right time brings mediocrity to the top.
    Enjoy your trips away from the FOB, but be careful and stay safe.
    Watch out for those shady Ladies
    Love Dad

  4. Hey Karl, So good to see your face underneath all that gear. Thank you for that lovely thank you card and impressive writing in the back- are you taking lessons in your free time?
    We think of you and talk of you all the time- :)
    I love seeing the pictures (especially of the girls) :)
    Stay safe and keep updating us.
    p.s; rooted for your team on Sunday :)
