
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Dante

Just wanted to send out a Happy Birthday Message to my brother Dante as he hits the 40 mark. We will have to celebrate a little belated. Have a great day- WOAH what just a minute, I goofed he doesnt turn 40 unitl the 25th , whoops, well Opa always said early is on time and on time is late. So then on that accord I was on time :) Karl


  1. Turning 40 is definitely a milestone in Dante's life, but just think how Dad and I feel. It's also a milestone for us. I have to admit, though, most of the truly exciting things I've done in my life have been post-40. So for Dante and anyone else approaching 40, here's to 40-plus more years of exciting, interesting, successful, fun-filled, happy and healthy experiences in the future. Love, Mom

  2. Hello to the Rohr clan. It has been wonderful reading about all that is going on in your life in Oki, Erica and Girls, Karl in Afganastan. Karl, we hope you have been receiving our packages. We have been trying to send one per month. Just sent one for feb. last week.
    All is well here in Aiken, except the weather, much too cold for this time of year. It has been at least 10 degrees colder than other years. Andrew is still jogging every day, and playing golf three days a week.
    I continue with my volunteer work, golf, Majjong, scrabble, and what ever else comes along. Tanya and Jac are doing well, and like living in Miami.
    Happy belated Birthday to Dante. I agree with your Mom, Life at 40 and after is exciting, and full of great surprises. Enjoy every day of it.
    Take care,
    Aunt Helen and Uncle Andrew

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes. 40 doesn't seem so bad so far and I have a lot to look forward to in the future.

    Karl, I should have my first, and hopefully not only, care package out to you this week. I just have to put together a CD for you. The music comes from Christine's ipod so it might be a little off from your usual music.

