
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

X-MAS Kandahar Style

Well, it isn't much but it is a real tree, a little better than Charlie Brown. Where the men found it I have no idea, until this point I've seen about a dozen trees total in Kandahar. Notice the fire extinguisher, it gets awful dry and I'm not sure that tree will make it to Christmas. The sign is NATO Regional Command South that is our new HQ here. It represents the Alliance and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.


  1. Hello Karl, nice pictures,looks like the whole world is taking part in "rescuing Afghanistan" probably for about the hundreth time! Actually the tree looks pretty nice; you just need some more ornaments. Nice time you take a picture, try smiling. Mom said she wants to see you with a smile on your handsome face! I told her you have an image to project. Guess Coach must be down in the dumps, the Giants were not gigantic yesterday. However they won their division and will probably do better in the play offs. Eagles tonight, a must win game to have any chance at all to reach the play offs. It`s real warm here, mid 60s, not good for making snow. We have gone through this before and seen lots of snow after the holidays. this is all for now, be careful and take care.Love Dad

  2. Hello Karl. I like your Christmas tree and yes you could stand to have a few more ornaments on it. I guess you can fashion some out of beer cans. Oops, I forgot, no beer on base. Try soda cans, especially the little pull clips to open them. You would be surprised what you can do with them. Just kidding! We're in the midst of a heat wave -- it's in the 60's. Guess we won't have a white Christmas this year. Hopefully it will get cold soon so we can do some skiing. Really enjoyed skyping with you yesterday even though Dad says I talk too much. Take good care of yourself and be careful. Love, Mom

  3. Hi Karl, Amey and I just got home from Matt's third grade winter concert. We really enjoyed the show--especially the last song which was a tribute to relatives in the armed forces. The kids sang a song titled, "Everyday Heroes". As they were singing the music teacher played a slide show that she put together of relatives in the military. Matt submitted your picture (thanks Erica) to the slide show--it had your name, Matt's name and The Marines written on it. Matt was so proud that your picture was in his slide show. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you.
    Love, Anne

  4. Hi Karl,

    We missed you at the annual tree trimming party at Uncle Dante's house yesterday. We had a great crowd and it was lots of fun, as always. It's good you have a tree to help keep your spirits up, even if it could use a few more ornaments!
    Your parents wish for cold weather has come true as it was 16 degrees this morning! Take care and be safe.

    Love, Concetta

  5. Hi Karl
    Just want to wish you a Happy Holiday inspite of being so far from home. We missed you ,Erica and the girls at the tree trimming party. Keep the faith and know that Bruce and I think of you often.
    Love, Aunt Mae
