
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Okinawan Art

A visit to Okinawa is not complete without an Okinawan pedicure. You know how when your finishing your pedi and the little Vietnamese lady asks you if you want a flower on your big toe. You like the idea of it, but there is no way your spending an extra $5 bucks for a silly flower! Well, imagine paying the traditional pedi price and receiving the most beautiful, intricate toe art. That is an Okinawan pedicure. While relaxing in your chair sipping tea, you pour over hundreds of designs trying to decide which one reflects your mood, the season, your outfit, etc. I took Ange and the girls to Coko's, an Okinawan institution. Being virgin Oki pedi gals, they were overwhelmed with the choices. At first Ange was leaning towards the conservative side, something simple, no wild colors or designs; then it clicked. This is a fun removable way to express yourself! The artist in her emerged. Here are a few pics from our day.

In celebration of Karl’s pending return this weekend, the girls and I updated our looks. Ella chose flowers after switching mid painting from hearts. After three consultations with the employees, Ella’s choice was honored. I’ve learned you are not supposed to deviate from directions, written or unwritten. It just throws the whole order of things off. You can only follow one path and one path only. For instance, you can’t add more people to your table or you’ll food will come two hours later. Maybe that is what makes Americans so successful; we support creativity, thinking outside of the box. The Japanese are all about order and tradition.

Anyway, back to toe art. Carolyn chose cherry blossoms. Meghan and I got hearts. I have an added personal touch, with “I love Karl” written on the big toes. Can you tell we missed him? I can’t wait to share homecoming pictures!

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