
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Race

What a fantastic mother’s day! The Courtney Girls (Amanda, Misty, Chris, Elisha and I) competed in a 25K relay race sponsored by the MCCS Futenma MCAS. We each had to run 5K except for myself and Elisha who ran an extra quarter of a mile at the start and finish. It was a grueling course. The second mile was continuous hills; where in many ways the race was won or lost. We saw several seasoned runners struggle with those hills. I started us out, ending with a decent position in front of every woman’s team but one. We spent the remainder of the race ticking off the seconds. We all ran hard; there was even puking involved. Elisha brought victory home with an amazing final leg. Our finishing time was 2:07:46. We were the first in our division and 6th overall. Not too bad! Ian, Amanda’s husband, helped us toast our victory with a frosty beer for each of us. It just added to a wonderful experience. Not only did we win, but we were brazen enough to bring beer to celebrate! I almost enjoyed that moment more than the awards ceremony—almost.

I wish I could say I had a relaxing day afterwards. But there was no rest for the victor. We went to Mother’s Day brunch with our families still sweaty from the race, wearing our race shirts and sporting our trophies. I had about an hour down time after my shower before the kid’s bickering lead to a couple of hours at the beach. Either I could pretend I would get some downtime but really settle squabbles or give into their wishes and take them swimming. It was a wise choice. I hope all you mom’s had just as wonderful Mother’s Day.

Before race photo

Our time

Victory beer


  1. Way to go, Erica and the Courtney Girls. Sounds like you all had a fantastic experience. It's always great to be on a winning team. Congratulations! Ange

  2. Echo what Ange said, you are just a bunch of fast young ladies
