
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Note from Hokkiado

Erica sent me this email today. Sounds like they are having a great time.

Just a quick note to let you know we're doing fantastic. Carolyn isreally enjoying skiing. going down the bunny slopes no problem. meghan is good when she wants to be. she is taking the day off and playing with ella and lachaln at the day care. my foot has really been bothering me in addition to new boots. otherwise, it is a blast. pretty nice terrain.good back country, but i'm not doing it this time. we really should comeback here next year. Hope your doing well. i've taken lots of pictures.I,ll email them wen i get home on monday!

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