
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Mt. Yoti
View from the mountain View up the mountain


Last week, the girls and I met up with Allison, Garrick and Lachlan for a fun filled week skiing and sledding in Niesko, in northern Japan. We had a terrific time. We didn't want to come back. The skiing, food, onson and company were wonderful. The town has been taken over by Aussies. So much so, I didn't feel like I was in Japan. No worries about language barriers at ski school, nice western accommodations, and lots of delicious Aussie wine. (It is near impossible to find a decent wine here on the island, unless you consider Gallo delicious). It was also nice to have a change in climate. Hot and muggy is appealing for only so long.

It was Meghan and Ella's first time on skis. Both loved it, though Meghan needed a little prodding to get back out there after lunch. She is a perfectionist. If she doesn't get it right the first time, she just won't try again. Whereas, daredevil Carolyn had no problems hitting the slopes. I couldn't get her to come in! She really took to skiing, and now joins the hundreds of other little midgets whipping straight down the hill at warp speed. I was constantly reminding her that she needs to turn, especially as she zips through the trees chasing after forest creatures. Apparently Carolyn and her instructor saw a fox from the chairlift, so they took the class exploring through the woods looking for him.

The adults also had a blast zipping down the slopes. We had snow the first two days of skiing, which lead to great conditions on the top of the mountain and the back country. If it weren't for my new boots and sprained toe, I don't think I would have ever gone inside. Good thing though, cause the food was fantastic. Our favorite lunch was kimchi soba accompanied by a large frosty Sapporo.

Niesko is known for amazing powder. Unfortunately, we didn't get to experience any of the fluffy stuff. The remainder of the week got progressively warmer and winder, leading to icy conditions near the base. It was so windy the last two days, the lifts at the top of the mountain were closed. We called it quits early our last day and took the kids sledding. We all had a blast zipping down the hill.
We took one day off and visited the nearest town. Turned out to be a good choice, since it rained all day. Everyone recommended we eat lunch at Cafe Kaku; apparently, they serve the best pizza. Oh boy do they ever!! Turns out the chef is from Philly; grew up making pizza's at Francos! Allison and I were in heaven. Now I don't need to fly back to the states to get my pizza fix, just a straight shot north. He also makes a mean cheesecake using his mom's recipe. Another delicious bite of home in this land of seaweed and sushi.

I can't wait to take Karl there with the Wilsons next year.


  1. I love it, I wish I ahd been there but I am glad you went and the girls enjoyed skiing. I am lookig forward to family trips in the future! -Karl

  2. Everyone has a wonderful, rosey glow that only comes from having fun in the snow. Glad you all had such a great time and I hope you can repeat the experience next year with Karl. We'll see you in two weeks. Yeah! Love, Grandmom

  3. Looks like you had a blast. How can the girls grow up to be anything but expert skiers with you guys as parents!!!
