
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

to the wall and beyond

Dear friends and family,

It has been a busy few months. The Marine Corps had an old recruiting poster, it has a drill instructor in the face of a new recruit, it states simply “we didn’t promise you a rose garden.” Well that is very true it is what I signed on for. Now Erica and the girls, well that is another story, they have the hardest mission to support me in the defense of the nation and the national interest. It ain’t easy, taking them to the far ends of the earth, strange and exotic places like Iowa. Then moving on to the 21st centuries version of Hadrian’s wall, the Pacific rim and Okinawa. When you get here you (well I do) truly feel a connection with those ancient Roman Legionnaires who stood watch on the frontiers. Here a thin line of troops faces the uncertain world, while behind us back in the ‘empire’ all we cherish continues. Sure it sounds a bit hokey but not from out here. The sign on the wall could read ‘beyond this wall lie the barbarians’. I’m not talking about nations like China or Russia, no we have more in common with them than not. I am talking about places like Afghanistan. It is time to head out beyond the wall once again.

Afghanistan, the place were empires find their doom. Alexander did ok his subordinates held onto Afghanistan for a short while after his death, but some say his marriage to Roxanne the Afghan Princess was his undoing. Genghis Khan and his sons rolled through but did not stay long, it was considered too much of a hassle to remain. The British and Russians played their ‘great game’ over the barren wastes of this country. The only lasting thing the Afghani’s have had has been constant conflict, Kipling and Churchill both considered the Pathans, Waziris, and other tribes some of the most warlike peoples on earth. Not much has changed.

I’ll be getting the opportunity to spend some time in this unique gem of a land. It will be a challenge, one I am uniquely qualified for. The benefit of a lifetime of study, mental and physical preparation for war in all its forms. We know what doesn’t work. We know what has worked in other places. There has never been a generic prescription for war and Afghanistan is one of the most bizarre patients.

When I get my new address I will send it out. I will have email access and some phone as well. I’ve got to get out there to see the infrastructure. It is a little bit better than the old Centurion’s. I’ll be working in operations planning for the lead element of the Marines new contingent. We’ll be working in the South of the country. It’ll be cold, but I prefer this to the heat of summer. And another thing I have over the old Centurion, my boots beat his sandals hands down.

I will keep you as informed as I can, on an open source.

Until then, GO PHILLIES!! They need to close this one up before I fly out. Rain Delay...ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Karl, Glad to hear from you and that you havesettled in. Best of luck on setting up your future plans of action. Its probably very interesting to work with so many different entities and nationalities.Good Luck!!!
    This afternoon your mother and I are going to a major basketball encounter at the Palestra, Kings Point vs Cabrini College,probably national coverage. I will miss the Eagles game, but a game against Cleveland is not going to be the highlight of the season as bad as that has been. All you hear from the eagles is that we are a betterteam than our record,wellits about time to show that.They havent beaten anyone in the NFC East.
    It has turned quite cold here so we are hoping that Camelback can start to make snow pretty soon.Hoping for a good season in the Poconos.
    I have printed out you entire blog and will bring it with me to Milwaukee for Oma tolook at. Christels computer just cant handle it. Oma seem to be doing fairly well, she is getting to be quite weak. We will celebrate he one hundreth birthay a month early right after Thanksgiving. There will be an open house for her friends, unfortunately there are no contemporaries,old age got them.
    I am still teaching a few classes at the Maritime Charter scool. This years group of kids appear to be more interested and appear to have definite goals,quite a number are lookin to join the Navy or Coast Guard. Well we shall see.
    Stay cool and send Andy a couple cigars,it cant stunt his growth anymore. Best of luck on plan writing and I hope all will be successful. DAD
