
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Sunday, August 30, 2009

End of Summer and a short trip to Korea

Well, the end of the summer has been busy here. We have not been idle. Carolyn and Meghan have added T-Ball to their list of activities. Carolyn has proven to be a quick fielder and Meghan can swing a mean bat! The coaches are great; they really know how to get kids involved and keep them motivated. That is no easy task, particularly since the temps have been running in the 90's with high humidity. I was lucky to be home for the two games played so far and was able to assist the coaches a little. It was a lot of fun. Next Carolyn and Meghan will start piano. We will approach it the same way, keep it fun, see if they like it. Ella will be attending a pre-school three days a week and still hitting gymnastics.

As for work, well, I took a short two week trip to Pusan Korea. Nice place-fish lovers dream. Though some of the live catch could be nightmarish. I spent 90% of my time on the USS Blue Ridge the Flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the ship is in good shape despite its age, old for a warship at 39. Some of you may recognize the first class accommodations from the photos.

Erica and the ladies of the North Island Officers Spouses Club painted the town red on Friday belting out all the greatest hits and washing them down with a few Orions.

Carolyn all smiles after her first SOLO bike ride! All smiles minus the front tooth of course.

Victory root beer float at A&W.

Where's my root beer!

All better now.

1 comment:

  1. Lookslike we have the making of some major league players.Karl dont forget to tell them how you were the star of /allentowns or South white hall baseball team,losing team that is. Glad to see that you are all doing well and that Erica and the ladies ar still able to carry a tune. Your seaborne accomodations look first class, almost up to the mates cabin on the Long Lines. best of luck to all of you in all your many endeavors. Love OPA
