
Welcome!! We decided to create this site as an easier way to share all of our adventures with our family and friends. We moved to Okinawa, Japan in August 2008 and plan to be here until the summer of 2011. We hope you enjoy our site and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you!

Rohr Family

Rohr Family

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July Okinawa Style

The sand Princess
Ladies of the Beach.

Sunset at Torii Beach

Mom and Princess in the East China Sea. Am I the only one who noticed the little red bikini?

"Give peace a chance," hippies protest in front of Raptor... nah just tired kids after a long day of fun at Kadena Airbase.

The Godzilla of airplanes. A10 Thunderbolt "Warthog" and the future pilots association.

The Lt Dan Band, Gary Sinese on vocals.

twirling to the music.

More dancing!

Not bad, spider girl and in a dress too.

More antics of the future pilots association. Meghan and Ella at the controls of a CH46 SeaKnight Helicopter.

Look Dad I'm flying!

What's this red switch for?

Ready for take off, Roger ghostrider, all systems go.

Callsign : Fairy Princess, aircraft name 'tinkerbell'

This is awesome!

Okinawa Angels

Sweet ride

Watch out, comin' through



  1. Looks like everyone is having a great time. We're in Milwaukee and enjoying ourselves -- there is something going on every day and from Aunt Christel's condo we can walk everywhere. The highlight so far was the Barnum and Bailey Cicus right by the lake. We had a bird's eye view from Aunt Christel's condo. Really great! Love to all of you. Grandmom, Opa and Christian

  2. Wow!! Nanny and I got tired just looking at the 3 little warriors go!!! Did I ever tell you about the time I flew a CH-46 on the 4th of July when I was in the Navy? The AirDet gave me the honor by suiting me up including a helmet with "Bones" as my name and putting me in the left seat. After the real pilot had lifted us off, he gave me the controls. I jerked the stick in a 360 degree circle several times before I realized that the crew (all of whom were in the back laughing hysterically) had disconnected the entire left seat. Otherwise I would have been at the bottom of the Atlantic still spinning! We did get to hover over the flying bridge and wave at our most-beloved (ahem!) Captain. He was caught up in a brief "rain" shower just after I learned about the helo's relief tube!!
    Ah well - such fond memories!!!
    Love, PopPop

  3. How wonderful you all look! We're so glad you had such a great time playing in the sand, hanging out with the motorcyles and aircraft. Mike said the girls are going to take over the world no matter what they do in life =)

    Be well, we miss you all!
    Joana and Mike
